【R-18】Ponponmaru作品集 2024年9月前半分 (Sep1-15)
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【内容】 2024年9月前半のアーカイブです。 ダウンロードサイトへのリンクが添付されており、随時更新されますので、リンクが必要です。 【ご注意】 ・収録イラストは画像生成AIで製作したものです(一部加筆あり) ・局部は全てモザイク処理済です ・ファイルサイズの関係で一部jpgに変換しての収録となっております ・収録イラストのキャラクターは全て18歳以上、合意の上での疑似シチュエーションとなります ----------------------------------------------------------- 【Contents】 This is the archive for the first half of September 2024. A link to the download site is attached and it will be updated from time to time, so you must have the link. 【Important Notes】 ・The included illustrations were created using image-generating AI (with some enhancements). ・All sensitive areas are pixelated. ・Due to file size, they are included as jpg files. ・All characters in the illustrations are 18 years or older and the situations depicted are consensual."
This is the archive for the first half of September 2024.
A link to the download site is attached and it will be updated from time to time, so you must have the link.
【Important Notes】
・The included illustrations were created using image-generating AI (with some enhancements).
・All sensitive areas are pixelated.
・Due to file size, they are included as jpg files.
・All characters in the illustrations are 18 years or older and the situations depicted are consensual."